Monday, March 15, 2021

Be a Duck - Book review

The concept of improving our human behavior and trait by comparing with a duck is what intrigued me to pick up this book. This book is on motivation and how we can practically follow certain habits, actions that can help us lead a better life. The way the author @wendy_jarvis_author compares it with a duck is very interesting. I mean, I have seen numerous examples taken by many motivational speakers and writers, but this book stands out as the author has taken lot of pain, time, effort to observe certain traits in ducks that can help us lead a better life. The book is only around 48 pages, so it is to the point, with clear and simple comparisons. The writing is very simple, lucid and avoids all jargon. Here are a few lessons I felt were very apt for all of us to learn from the ducks.

Let it #slide- Yes that's right. Just like how ducks have the ability to let go of the rain water from its oily feathers, we too should develop a habit to let go of many negative things people say about us, and move forward in life. Here again the author shows discretion in not allowing anyone to cross the line.

#Adaptability - I loved this point, where the author explains how ducks across the world adapt in different habitats. Similarly it's important for humans to adapt to their environment, life changing events, relationships, jobs, you name it. And humans have a choice. They adapt to survive or thrive...

#Balance- I appreciate the way the author explains this point in simple terms. The way a duck can Balance in both upstream or downstream flow of water, should we not balance our life with the right food, sleep, work and so on? The author summarizes this aspect very well by saying 'We could live a balanced life in this balanced world.'

Other interesting and valuable lessons are on correcting ourselves, communicating, staying together, and simple and yet profound philosophy on contentment.

Thank you @wendy_jarvis_author for sharing your knowledge, wisdom, experience through life changing examples of ducks.

I would recommend anyone who is looking for a simple and no-nonsense learning to buy the book. Go ahead. Be a #duck...

#bookstagram #bookreview #studiozmagic

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